About me

I specialise in working with individuals who are on the spiritual path but may feel stuck or unsatisfied with their progress. I understand firsthand the challenges of embarking on this journey, as I navigated it myself without a roadmap. Now, it's my heartfelt desire to share what I've learned with you, so you can lead a happier, more abundant, and fulfilling life while fully embodying your highest potential.

My story

A Lifetime dedicated to spirituality

I have devoted my life to the spiritual path, embarking on a life-long journey of self-discovery and personal growth. For many years, I lived in India, fully immersing myself in the teachings of meditation and yoga. It was during this time that I obtained my qualification in yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques from the Sivananda International Yoga Centre in Kerala, India. This path led me to receive the spiritual name Saraswati. Since then, I have had the honor of working with hundreds of students from across the globe as they navigate their own unique journeys.

My Background & Experience

Over the past two decades, my work has been heavily influenced by ACIM (A Course in Miracles), but with a practical, embodied, and trauma-informed approach.

I have also experienced the twin flame journey and am able to offer support to those navigating this path, which is essentially an accelerated ascension process back to your own wholeness and power.

In addition, I have studied Tantra with renowned teacher, Jan Day. My exploration of energy healing began with becoming a Reiki master, but over time, I have developed my own unique healing process. I have pursued courses and qualifications in IFS, The Works by Katie Byron, trauma healing, addiction recovery, somatic practices, nonviolent communication, and 12-steps. These experiences have allowed me to deepen my understanding of healing modalities and expand my capacity to support individuals on their paths.

Throughout my journey, spirituality has remained my guiding force, complemented by a wealth of professional experiences early on in my career. From serving as a senior policy advisor in The Cabinet Office within the UK's Civil Service, to playing a pivotal role as a founding member of a thriving tech startup, to championing the value of neurodiversity, and finally to mentoring new entrepreneurs. I bring a unique blend of spiritual wisdom and corporate expertise to my services.

In my life I am passionate about all things related to well-being, entrepreneurship, freedom, cooking and being by the sea.

If you're currently facing financial hardship, I want to ensure that access to all my services is still possible for you. We offer partial scholarships to make our programs more accessible.If you're interested in learning more about the available scholarships and how they can assist you, please feel free to reach out to me via email.

Follow me on social media @SaraswatiPema

(c) Saraswati Pema 2023